We can provide convenient on-site shopping for you and your co-workers by setting up a table at your company.
We'll bring our entire jewellery collection and you'll have the convenience of shopping for jewellery during your lunch hour, without having to leave the office.
On-site jewellery shopping is such a great experience. You can try on the jewellery, shop with your co-workers, buy your friends and family a present, and just have fun!
Interested in bringing Luscious Adorns to your company? Please email us at [email protected] with the contact information (name, email, phone number) of the person responsible, and mention us to your company representative!
In appreciation for getting us in to your company, we'll give you a finders fee of $50!
We accept cash, VISA, and Mastercard. Contact us today to arrange on-site shopping!
We'll bring our entire jewellery collection and you'll have the convenience of shopping for jewellery during your lunch hour, without having to leave the office.
On-site jewellery shopping is such a great experience. You can try on the jewellery, shop with your co-workers, buy your friends and family a present, and just have fun!
Interested in bringing Luscious Adorns to your company? Please email us at [email protected] with the contact information (name, email, phone number) of the person responsible, and mention us to your company representative!
In appreciation for getting us in to your company, we'll give you a finders fee of $50!
We accept cash, VISA, and Mastercard. Contact us today to arrange on-site shopping!